Ottawa 2024 Fringe Theatre Festival Visitor Schedule Optimiser

If you're starting a new schedule, just click the Update Schedule button.

If you're updating an existing schedule then refresh this web page, append your "Selected" and "Favourite" lines from your old schedule's data box to the end of the text in this box, and click Update Schedule.

Revision History

; $Log: Ottawa2024FringeFestivalOptimiserStartHere.html,v $
; Revision 1.4  2024/06/13 01:33:39  agmsmith
; Added more accurate travel times to DARC Microcinema.
; Revision 1.3  2024/06/12 15:47:31  agmsmith
; Fix bug with Bald Republic being at midnight rather than noon,
; and bumping all shows after it to the next day.
; Revision 1.2  2024/06/10 00:55:44  agmsmith
; Oops, forgot to change the title to 2024.
; Revision 1.1  2024/06/10 00:53:33  agmsmith
; Initial revision