Ottawa 2017 Fringe Theatre Festival Visitor Schedule Optimiser

If you're starting a new schedule, just click the Update Schedule button.

If you're updating an existing schedule then refresh this web page, append your "Selected" and "Favourite" lines from your old schedule's data box to the end of the text in this box, and click Update Schedule.

Revision History

; $Log: Ottawa2017FringeFestivalOptimiserStartHere.html,v $
; Revision 1.11  2017/06/10 15:14:14  agmsmith
; Got a tip that The Dolls' House is about 40 minutes long, no other changes.
; Revision 1.10  2017/06/08 16:59:32  agmsmith
; Checked with the Fringe web site, no changes.
; Revision 1.9  2017/06/02 16:31:16  agmsmith
; Travel times are there for the new venues.
; Revision 1.8  2017/06/02 16:06:50  agmsmith
; Checked the Fringe web site for updates, no changes needed.
; Revision 1.7  2017/05/25 21:37:33  agmsmith
; Added travel times from morning walking survey.
; Revision 1.6  2017/05/22 21:42:49  agmsmith
; Fixed some old venue URLs.
; Revision 1.5  2017/05/22 21:34:58  agmsmith
; Removed extra stuff after version string.
; Revision 1.4  2017/05/22 21:29:49  agmsmith
; Added show URLs and durations.
; Revision 1.3  2017/05/22 19:53:08  agmsmith
; Fixed up spelling and accents of venue names so they all match.
; Revision 1.2  2017/05/22 18:37:09  agmsmith
; Fix word wrapping that somehow snuck in.
; Revision 1.1  2017/05/22 18:07:05  agmsmith
; Initial revision